The Three-Step Transition from Pop to Water
1. Regular Pop to Diet: First things first, switch from regular to diet for a 2 weeks. Although diet pop isn’t the best choice—it’s also not the best choice to fight both your caffeine and sugar addictions at the same time. In order to be successful long-term, take small steps.
2. Diet to Caffeine Free Diet. If you do in fact have a caffeine addiction—this is how you’ll find out! You’ll probably have a headache for a few days, but it WILL go away. Keep going at it for a 2 more weeks.
3. Caffeine Free Diet to Flavored Water/Plain Water: Here’s the healthy transition! If you absolutely can’t stand drinking plain water. Try adding 0 calorie Mio or purchase 0 calorie flavored water. Once you start seeing and feeling the benefits of drinking water, you’ll stick to it!