Monday, April 18, 2011

Don't Be Afraid to Step on the Scale--It's the Last Time You'll Ever See That Number!

Losing weight is definitely NOT easy! But, if you have some guidance and lose weight CORRECTLY, great results can be achieved with minimal pain :).

I've decided to blog the weight loss and healthy lifestyle journey of 5 ladies--one in their 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's and 60's all with different goals; that way, all my readers can relate. As I told them, this is not a diet. I hate that word. It's a clean eating lifestyle change that requires time, dedication, pre-planning and commitment. It's not just a way of eating that is only done on the weekdays. It's not another fad diet that only allows you to eat cabbage soup or protein shakes. Its not about avoiding food groups, deprivation or starvation, but about providing your body with the best foods possible.

WEEK 1 of 12

The "Clean Eating Basics"
  • Eating 5-6 smaller meals every 2.5-3 hours to keep blood sugar level and to keep metabolism moving
  • Eating lean proteins, complex carbs and fibrous veggies
  • Avoiding processeed and refined foods (sugar, white rice, pasta and flour)
  • Avoiding trans fats, but consuming healthy fats instead
  • Avoiding soda, juice and other sugary drinks
  • Portion control--for example, eating 4 oz. of grilled chicken
  • Drinking plenty of water
  • Eating more for nourishment and less for entertainment, although it's important to find balance in order to live happily.
  • Recognizing the feeling of satisfaction and how to distingush hunger from thirst


After going over the clean eating lifestyle basics, we set some realistic goals. I'm going to be assisting these 5 ladies for 12 weeks, so I had them set a 12 week goal and weekly goals as well. I believe that if you set weekly goals, you always feel like you're accomplishing something--and you are!

Workout Program

I have them doing 5 days of strength training with cardio incorporated. You can surely lose weight with nutrition alone, however, maintaining weight loss is going to be VERY difficult without exercising. It doesn't only control weight, increase strength and raise your metabolism, it also improves your quality of life. It reduces stress, lifts your mood, helps you sleep at night, and makes you look and feel younger.


Before these ladies started their journey, I asked each of them what their biggest obstacle was going to be. The most common answers were eating every 2.5-3 hours, social festivities and working out 5 days a week. Throughout this process, I am going to teach them ways to overcome these obstacles--"Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or walk around it."

In my next posts, I am going to share ways these ladies are overcoming their obstacles, in hopes it will help others overcome theirs!

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