Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Embrace Your Strength

I used to be one of the “cardio bunnies” who assumed that a strict cardio regimen would give me the lean, toned physique I wanted to have. I honestly can’t tell you how wrong I was! As soon as I started lifting heavy, fat began to shed and my lean muscles began to show. I love pumping some big iron, and will never turn back to my old ways…EVER.
I think it’s important for me to let women know how important it is to cut back on the cardio equipment. Women have definitely shied away from strength training due to the misconception that it’s a “guys sport,” and only creates a bulky figure. Women are missing the opportunity to explore their full physical strength because of this. Even if only a few women read this, I’m hoping to change misguided approaches to a more beneficial approach to achieving fitness goals.
At this point, I know what you may be thinking—why do men get big muscles when they lift heavy weights and women don’t? Well, as women build power and strength, muscle size minimally increases. This is due to our lack of testosterone—the average woman has 1/10th of the level of testosterone as a man. Unfortunately gals, men got lucky here….the higher testosterone levels result in greater muscle development, and for women, higher estrogen levels create a higher percentage of body fat usually in the butt, hips and thighsL.  
BUT, THERE IS LUCK FOR US, TOO! As we strength train, we increase our lean body mass, increase tone and definition, improve coordination and balance, reduce fat, increase metabolic rate, increase bone and joint health, and become more SELF-CONFIDENT!  Although strength training is an important element in achieving your full fitness potential, incorporating a fair amount of cardio along with a nutrition plan will ensure success! Make sure you’re eating a CLEAN diet filled with fruit, vegetables, lean meat, healthy fat and complex carbohydrates.
Although it’s going to be difficult to reshape misconceptions that have been prevalent in our society for so long, I’m going to continue RE-defining what’s beautiful in our culture—It’s beautiful to be strong, healthy and confident.  Let’s put “skinny fat” on the backburner and become strong, empowered women! Hopefully if we keep spreading the word and practice what we preach, our future generations will follow.
Below is workout routine. Feel free to download it!

Also, check out my Facebook fitness page along with my fiancé’s page—we provide healthy tips and tricks to keep you motivated and moving forward! Rock on!https://www.facebook.com/AshleyKatzFit

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